Our eternal (digital) afterlife

Alberta Soranzo at Everyman Cinema on 24th April, 2017 · Sponsored by CSS Wizardry, Leeds International Festival, and Stac
Conference · Conference 2017 · Deep Thinking · Digital · Privacy

Much as we don't like to admit it, users have an expiration date. Even in the best case scenario, where the product and services we design aren't abandoned due to inertia or lack of interest, human beings stop being users when life ends. Or do they? More and more often what is left behind is a digital ghost, a unidimensional clone borne out the million of macro and micro-interactions that we generate during our physical life.

We will embark on a wacky journey through the maze of novelties and oddities that surround the end of life, to understand how we can organize information and systems, and answer those ethical and practical questions raised by death in the digital age.