All Day Hey! is taking place on Thursday 1st May, 2025
Join us for a curated, well paced single-track conference, featuring 8 talks from some of the best speakers in design, development and technology leadership at the Everyman Cinema in Leeds, UK.
Enjoy great refreshments, networking opportunities and a post-conference afterparty to wind down and enjoy the company of your peers.
A friendly and inclusive space where people come together to educate and inspire.
All Day Hey! 2024 round-up

Heldiney Pereira & Giorgio Baglioni
The snakes and ladders of creating safe, fast and delightful payments
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2024 developer round-up
It’s time to reflect and plan ahead! James and Josh look back at a tumultuous 2024 in tech and ask the big questions about where things are heading. What were the highlights? What lessons can we learn? How do we prepare for 2025? Listen now as we kick-off the year with a brand new instalment of Off Script!
Future of software engineering leadership - Part 2
Part 2 has landed! For this outting of Off Script, Josh and James explore the ‘Future of engineering leadership’. This is an episode born from Q&A discussions and ideas at the recent Off Script Live event in Leeds. Dive into the modern challenges and the future direction of leadership in software engineering.
Future of software engineering leadership - Part 1
Dive into the modern challenges and the future direction of leadership in software engineering in this episode of Off Script!
Imperfect innovation
The historically popular development process of “move fast and break things” has got the biggest companies in the world far. In the age of AI, can we still take these risks in the name of progress or are the potential repercussions too great? Josh and James are joined by guest Jack Sails to discuss.