The snakes and ladders of creating safe, fast and delightful payments

Heldiney Pereira & Giorgio Baglioni at Everyman Cinema on 2nd May, 2024 · Sponsored by Glean, IMA, Stac, WRK Digital, and zeroheight
Conference · Conference 2024 · Payments · UX

Monzo has both its own payment network for instant payments and is part of the payment network all UK banks use. Creating a payment experience that protects people, gets out of their way when they need and brings excitement where appropriate is a difficult but worthy adventure. Especially for a regulated bank with 8 million customers in the UK (and rapidly growing).

This talk is for you if you want to hear about the realities of innovating in a regulated fintech, the ups, the downs and the unforeseen moments of dread and joy. How to keep sane through the rollercoaster of product strategy and development — while remaining focused on the bigger picture. A story that concludes with the most accessible, safe, intelligent, and fun payment experience in the Monzo app.

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