Key Information

Can you help me convince my boss to send me to the conference?

Yes! We've created a template to help get your boss on board. Most companies have learning and development budgets to help send staff to events like ours. We've tried to make it as easy as possible for you to fund attendance to All Day Hey! through your professional development. Head over to our template for more information.

Where can I find out more about what's on in Leeds during the conference?

We've created a guide to help you find your way around Leeds. Whether you're searching for a meal, a drink or somewhere to dig for records, we've got you covered.

How do I get to the venue?

The venue is central to Leeds, and all the usual methods of transport are available.

Where is best for overnight accommodation?

If you’re looking to stay the evening of the conference, we’d recommend the following nearby places:

What time does it start?

You can convert BST (British Summer Time) into your timezone using Every Time Zone.

Do you offer diversity or minority ticketing options?

Yes. We have a number of free tickets available to minority members of our community. For those wanting to support this initiative, we offer Supporter tickets that goes towards our minority and diversity fund. Please get in touch if we can help.

Wait! I need a bit more help...

No problem! Drop us an email and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.